ReIReS makes it possible to train a new generation of scholars and to prepare them to develop groundbreaking research via an innovative training programme. The first school will be held September 23-28, 2018 on the use and study of special documents and is offered by the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. The school is meant for scholars affiliated to ReIReS, whereas five places are available for scholars from outside the ReIReS consortium.
During one week scholars will be taught how to work with the special collections of the Martinus-Bibliothek – Wissenschaftliche Diözesanbibliothek des Bistums Mainz, Bereichsbibliothek Theologie und Jüdische Bibliothek/Jewish Library, the Gesangbucharchiv/Hymnbook Archive and the Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek Mainz/Municipal Academic Library in Mainz.
The school is open to scholars affiliated to the ReIReS consortium and to max. five persons from outside the consortium. Scholars from outside the consortium will pay a registration fee of € 395.00.
Scholars will be made familiar with special, less known and remote collections like the fragments of the 9th cent. in the Martinus-Bibliothek and the world’s most important collection of utilitarian Christian literature in the Hymnbook Archive. Also unique is the Jewish Library which is one of the very few libraries saved from the persecutions in Germany and which shows the reading interests of the Jewish community of the time. The Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek holds 1300 manuscripts and a decent number of rare prints from the former Carthusian and Carmelite libraries which mirror the active religious reflection in the convents between the late middle ages and the Enlightenment. These libraries indeed reflect in their holdings the religious history of Europe.
The school will focus on book history and provenance research with practice on reading ownership entries, research on former owners and analysis of the results and will also train the users in palaeography, prosopography and version comparasion.
Common Objectives and Common Standards
The school meets ReIReS’ common objectives and standards.
Specific Learning Goals
Participants will be able to:
- know how to find and identify medieval fragments in ancient book bindings;
- compare different versions of hymns and understand the intentions of the alterations in hymns in different historic and religious contexts;
- understand reading interests in the medieval and modern Jewish communities of Mainz;
- detect and identify provenances, get practice on reading ownership entries, research on former owners and analysis of the results.
Subscription Deadline
August 21, 2018.
More Information
Read more here.
Friederike Ockert M. A.