Announcement and Invitation: ReIReS School in Paris, February 2019

The École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) in Paris is pleased to announce the ReIReS School 17-22 February 2019 on the use and study of special documents. Especially  – but not only – PhD students and postdocs are welcome, both from ReIReS partners and other institutions.

The school will focus on three main issues:

  1. Make participants acquainted with a large scale of archives and special documentations, relating to Europa, Africa and Asia, and concerning Religions of Mesopotamia and Roman Antiquity, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Taoism. Participants will discover archives and special collection of EPHE and several close academic partner Institutions: the French School of Asian Studies (EFEO, Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient), the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (Poinssot Funds), the Catholic Institute of Paris (French Institute for Byzantine Studies), the Institut de théologie protestante (Paul Ricoeur Funds).
  2. Provide formation and training on a variety of media, digital included, from manuscripts to cuneiform tablets, woodcut printings, photographies, researchers and scholars archives, marginalia, etc. Part of the training also deals with making history of Religion Sciences with archives of Religion Scientists.
  3. Offer a specific reflexion on the relationships between Researchers and Personnel of Libraries and Archives Services, especially in the view of developing Digital Humanities.

The session is opened to Researchers in History of Religions and Religion Studies, and to Personnel of Documentation, Libraries and Archives services. PhD students and postdocs are particularly welcome.

The school is open to scholars affiliated to the ReIReS consortium and to max. five persons from outside the consortium. Scholars from outside the consortium will pay a registration fee of € 395.00.

Common Objectives

The school meets ReIReS Common Objectives and Standards

Specific Learning Goals

Participants will:

  • discover main types of special documents and techniques of analysis in a broad range of cultural areas: Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Roman Africa, Islamic, Byzantine and Chinese world, Medieval and Modern Europe;
  • understand and compare various approaches of special archives and documents, according to different disciplinary fields: history of religions, religious studies, history of art, history of philosophy and theology, intellectual history;
  • take part to a collective reflection on interdisciplinarity and its contribution to history of religions and religious studies.

A reflection on the train-the-trainer aspect will conclude every daily session.

Application Deadline

January 15, 2019. You can apply by filling out this form, indicating your name, affiliation, function and a short motivation. You will be informed within 14 days on receipt of your application.


Prof. Denis Pelletier
Directeur d’études
Section des Sciences Religieuses
