ReIReS and Schnell und Steiner

Recently ReIRes has signed an agreement of understanding with Schnell und Steiner, one of the long-established art publishers in Germany. Its extensive programme contains many books related to art and religion, like Ambassadors, Artists, Theologians. Byzantine Relations with the Near East from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Centuries, by Johannes Pahlitzsch, Zachary Chitwoog.

The contributors in the edited volume »Ambassadors, Artists, Theologians: Byzantine Relations with the Near East from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Centuries« examine the complex dynamics which arose between the Byzantine Empire and the Near East.

Moving beyond the tradition of histoire événementielle, the contributions collected here highlight the passing of artistic practices, ideas and interlocutors between Byzantium and the Islamicate world. In this way, this volume seeks to nuance and contextualize our understanding of the relationship between these two medieval cultural spheres.

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