ReIReS Partners Developed Training Program During First Workshop in Apeldoorn

The first official event of ReIReS after the kickoff meeting earlier this year took place last Tuesday and Wednesday in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.

The Theological University Apeldoorn, responsible for workpackage 5, hosted some 20 experts from Bulgary, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands gathered in a sunbathed Wilhelminapark 4, home of the TUA and surrounded by gorgeous parks.  Workpackage 5 concentrates on the training of the users of ReIReS and goal of the workshop was the organisation of six weeklong schools to be held at the various locations of the project partners and intened for affiliates of the projectpartners.

Claus Arnold and Alexandra Nüsser both from the University of Mainz presented a first draft for a training week in Mainz. The draft was received very well and was taken as model for the other trainings.  The decision was taken to have two week-long schools per year for scholars affiliated to ReIReS partners, in order to instruct them to make use of ReiReS’ services and to train them to train others to the same approach, according to the following plan:

  • Uni Mainz: 23th – 28th of September 2018.
  • EPHE Paris: February 2019.
  • University Sophia: last week of September 2019.
  • KU Leuven:  February 2020.
  • University of Hamburg: May/June 2020.
  • Fscire Bologna: September 2020.

The named institutions will send in their proposed schedule and budget to the WP-leader who will make an overall plan to be published at the ReIReS-website. Common enthusiasm and a perfect atmosphere turned this first workshop into a succesful event and as an excellent start of this fascinating project.