Here you will find logos for ReIReS. To download a logo, please click on it with the right mouse button, and then choose the “Save Image As…” option.
ReIReS Logo
The logo consists of an image and a word. The image is made up of different triangles, which together constitute a larger triangle. The small triangles image the knowledge of the various academic partners. Together they form a larger resource of knowledge. The lines between the different triangles image the network of the partners of ReIReS.
In general, the logo refers to an infrastructure. The infrastructure has an open character, because knowledge (collected during all stages of the project) can be drawn from the database in order to impact society. The logo also represents the development and dynamic of the project.
You can find high quality versions in the following archive: ReIReS Logo
EU Emblem
Any dissemination of results, any communication activity must:
- – display the EU Emblem, read more here.
- – include the following text: “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730895.”
ReIReS developed some specific EU Emblems, to be used by its partners: