Artur Kasprzak is one of the ReIReS Transnational Access scholarship recipients. He did his research in the libraries of Fscire in Bologna. Continue reading “Meet a Scholarship Recipient: Artur Kasprzak”
Category: Work Package 3
Rita Grassi from EPHE in Paris was the first scholar who used the ReIReS scholarship during the COVID pandemic at the libraries of Fscire in Bologna. Continue reading “Meet a Scholarship Recipient: Rita Grassi”
ReIReS is pleased to announce that it received 47 applications for a ReIReS scholarship by scholars from all over Europe in the fifth and final call for proposals that was open from June 15, 2020 to August 30, 2020.
Continue reading “ReIReS Scholarships Moving into the Right Direction”
Open access publications resulting from a ReIReS TNA scholarship are an important result of our project. The first four articles were published as from the end of the year 2019. Ten more articles are forthcoming soon, and most of the published TNA results are expected towards the end of the project.
Continue reading “Publications Resulting from a ReIReS TNA Scholarship”
In the second half of September 2020, Professor Jerzy Ostapczuk visited the Centre for Slavonic and Byzantine Studies “Prof. Ivan Dujčev” at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohirdski thanks to a ReIReS TNA scholarship. Continue reading “A Polish Researcher Enjoying Easy Access to Cyrillic and Greek Texts in Sofia”