ReIReS is proud to announce that the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Latvia University has become a ReIReS collaboration partner. Continue reading “New Collaboration Partner: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia”
Category: Work Package 9
ReIReS is proud to announce that BETH, Bibliothèques Européennes de Théologie (European Theological Libraries) has become a ReIReS collaboration partner. Continue reading “New Collaboration Partner: BETH”
The European Melanchthon Academy has become a collaboration partner in the ReIReS project. Continue reading “European Melanchthon Academy Joins ReIReS”
Fondazione di Storia Onlus-Vicenza and Istituto Storico Italiano per l’età Moderna e Contemporanea have entered into an agreement with ReIReS, to underline their wish to work more closely together. Continue reading “ReIReS Welcomes Two Italian Collaboration Partners”
Recently ReIRes has signed an agreement of understanding with Schnell und Steiner, one of the long-established art publishers in Germany. Its extensive programme contains many books related to art and religion, like Ambassadors, Artists, Theologians. Byzantine Relations with the Near East from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Centuries, by Johannes Pahlitzsch, Zachary Chitwoog. Continue reading “ReIReS and Schnell und Steiner”