
Resource Discovery and Linking for Religious Studies

As a starting community, ReIReS aims to create a significant and ground-braking innovation in the field of historical religious studies and to achieve this work package 6 will integrate several important researches databases relevant to religious science. Numerous digital resources and databases are already available in this domain, both from public research institutions and from commercial publishers. In its aim to become a research infrastructure ReIReS must therefore address the growing needs of scholars to discover large sets of data. This puts us in the unique position to help public and commercial database providers to make their databases more visible and discoverable and to offer virtual access to dispersed research databases on religious sciences and history in a single unified search platform.

The ReIReS partner institutions house their own collections of manuscripts, documents and rare books and represent relevant collections of Christian, Jewish and Muslim works. The consortium has the ambition of creating a unified data repository and discovery system for the domain of religious studies, based on these collections. This tool could offer researchers everywhere virtual access to the catalogues of collections and libraries from across Europe through one unified discovery platform.

As a first step in this process, the consortium partners participated in a survey that gathered an overview of the datasets managed by the ReIReS partners, the results of which are presented here, including a description of the datasets and whether they are freely accessible or not. This overview serves as a first step towards a unified discovery platform and gives researchers an insight into the material that is available at the partner institutions.

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität and Third Parties

Katalog der Jüdischen Bibliothek / Catalogue of the Jewish Library
Name of the institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU Mainz)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Bereichsbibliothek Theologie - Jüdische Bibliothek/Jewish Library
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Katalog der Jüdischen Bibliothek / Catalogue of the Jewish Library
Short description of the dataset
One PDF-file with an alphabetical catalogue of 2862 titles of the Jewish Library at the UNIMAINZ (digital born). The Library is a permanent loan of the Jewish Community of Mainz and contains ca. 5500 volumes, including rare Judaic and Hebraic sources.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Bibliography, Library catalogue, Digital born
Content language
Data type
Document (PDF)
URL of the dataset
Hebräische Titel (vollständig) / Complete List of the Hebrew titles
Name of the institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU Mainz)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Bereichsbibliothek Theologie - Jüdische Bibliothek/Jewish Library
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Hebräische Titel (vollständig) / Complete List of the Hebrew titles
Short description of the dataset
One EXCEL-file with a Hebrew catalogue of the 3006 Hebrew titles of the Jewish Library at the JGU Mainz. The Library is a permanent loan of the Jewish Community of Mainz and contains ca. 5500 volumes, including rare Judaic and Hebraic sources.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Bibliography, Library catalogue, Digital born
Content language
Data type
Spreadsheet (Excel)
URL of the dataset
Digitalisierte hebräische Handschriften aus der Jüdischen Bibliothek an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Name of the institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU Mainz)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Bereichsbibliothek Theologie - Jüdische Bibliothek/Jewish Library
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Digitalisierte hebräische Handschriften aus der Jüdischen Bibliothek an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Short description of the dataset
36 digitalised Hebrew manuscripts from 1700 until 1920. The Jewish Library at the JGU is a permanent loan of the Jewish Community of Mainz since 1955 and contains the remains of the libraries of the former Jewish Communities in Mainz which were confiscated in 1938.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Manuscripts, Digitised
Content language
Data type
Web resource
URL of the dataset
Name of the institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU Mainz)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Short description of the dataset
Dilibri is the digitized collection of regional studies literature related to Rhineland-Palatinate and of imprints preserved at Rhineland-Palatine libraries. The participants of dilibri are the Landesbibliothekszentrum Rheinland-Pfalz (State Library Centre of Rhineland-Palatinate) with the Rheinische Landesbibliothek Koblenz, the Pfälzische Landesbibliothek Speyer and the Bibliotheca Bipontina Zweibrücken as well as the Trier University Library, the city libraries of Koblenz, Mainz, Trier and Worms and the library of the priest seminary of Trier.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Address books, Letters, Books, Manuscripts, Works of illustration, Maps, Sheet music, Single sheet material, School reports, Journals, Newspapers, Thematic collections, Digitised
Content language
Data type
Web resource
URL of the dataset
Hs 42 – Sammelhandschrift aus Kloster Arnstein in der Bibliotheca Laureshamensis
Name of the institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU Mainz)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Hs 42 – Sammelhandschrift aus Kloster Arnstein (z.T. Palimpsest eines Sacramentarium Gregorianum) in der Bibliotheca Laureshamensis
Short description of the dataset
Full digital version of manuscript Hs 42 of the Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Manuscripts, Digitised
Content language
Data type
Web resource
URL of the dataset
Alter Handschriftenkatalog der Martinus-Bibliothek
Name of the institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU Mainz)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Alter Handschriftenkatalog der Martinus-Bibliothek
Short description of the dataset
Old catalogue of the manuscripts of the Martinus-Bibliothek (before 1963). Contains all manuscripts of the Martinus-Bibliothek but no fragments.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Bibliography, Library catalogue
Content language
Data type
Document (PDF), Digitised
URL of the dataset
Martinus-Bibliothek im Handschriftencensus Rheinland-Pfalz
Name of the institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU Mainz)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Martinus-Bibliothek im Handschriftencensus Rheinland-Pfalz
Short description of the dataset
Description of the medieval manuscripts of the Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz according to state-of-the art DFG-standards.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Digital born, Collection description
Content language
Data type
Web resource
URL of the dataset
Website of Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz
Name of the institution
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU Mainz)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Website of Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz
Short description of the dataset
Information about the library including contact, OPAC / catalogues, description of the collection, especially of the old and rare book collection, activities, exhibitions …
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Digital born, Website
Content language
Data type
Web resource
URL to dataset

Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII

Mansi Digitale
Name of the institution
Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII (Fscire)
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Mansi Digitale
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Mansi Digitale
Short description of the dataset
Digitized version of the sources of all councils of all churches of all times collected in a database which, starting from the eighteenth century edition of G. D. Mansi, integrates the enormous material unknown to him.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access
Content type (keywords)
Books, Digitised
Content language
Data type
Web resource
URL to dataset

Brepols Publishers

Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Short description of the dataset
BrepolsOnline Books is the platform of Brepols’ extended eBook programme. The eBooks are available for purchase in a variety of collections to serve the library’s specific needs and budgets. BrepolsOnline Journals provides online access to 57 academic journals in a broad range of research areas of the Humanities. The platform offers access to well-established journals with a long scholarly tradition, as well as to more recent journals that fill specific gaps in current research.
Language(s) of the dataset*
Multilingual (en/fr/de/….)
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access / OpenAccess
Content type (keywords)
Books, Journals
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Patrologia Orientalis Database (POD)
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Patrologia Orientalis Database (POD)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Patrologia Orientalis Database (POD)
Short description of the dataset
The Patrologia Orientalis Database (POD) is a collection of patristic texts from the Christian East, including works, recorded in non-Latin languages, that come from geographical, cultural, or religious contexts somehow linked to Rome or the Eastern Roman Empire. This initial version of the database allows users to access texts included in the Patrologia Orientalis (PO) series in two forms: the original text, available as a PDF file, and a searchable translation. The user can search for items (such as keywords or quotes) in the language into which a text was translated in the PO. All the texts in the PO are searchable, and the reader can check the translation with the original text visible alongside as a non-searchable PDF file.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Edition texts, translations, digitised
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Library of Latin Texts – Series B
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Library of Latin Texts – Series B
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Library of Latin Texts – Series B
Short description of the dataset
The Library of Latin Texts – Series B (LLT-B) serves as a supplement to the Library of Latin Texts. Both databases are produced by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO) under the direction of Prof. Paul Tombeur. The objective of the LLT-B is to put a large number of Latin texts into electronic form, at a rapid pace, in order to meet the needs of students and researchers. The Library of Latin Texts – Series B offers the same research possibilities and functionalities as the LLT-A, which makes it a valuable research instrument. Just as in the LLT-A, a distinction is made between the original text and the “paratextual” elements, with the basic approach of the LLT-A (“Who said what, when, where, and how many times?”) still in effect. In total, the present version of the LLT-B includes 901 works in addition to 5,804 diplomatic charters: it is now possible to search more than 36.4 million forms, drawn from more than 900 works that are attributed to approximately 450 authors.
Language(s) of the dataset*
Names & texts in Latin, mappings on other languages exists
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Latin Texts
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Library of Latin Texts – Series A
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Library of Latin Texts – Series A
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Library of Latin Texts – Series A
Short description of the dataset
"The LLT-A is the reference database for Latin texts, offering texts from the beginnings of Latin literature down to the present day. In total, the present version of the LLT-A contains more than 78 million Latin words, drawn from more than 3,800 works that are attributed to approximately 1,200 authors. The texts are selected from the best editions available and when possible established according to best contemporary scholarly practice. Great efforts have been undertaken to verify facts relating to the text, such as the veracity of the authorial attribution or the dating. The printed text has often been enhanced by correcting detected typographical errors. In order to isolate, as far as possible, the words proper to each work, a distinction is made between the original text and the “paratextual” elements."
Language(s) of the dataset*
Names & texts in Latin, mappings on other languages exists
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Latin Texts
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Vetus Latina Database (VLD)
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Vetus Latina Database (VLD)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Vetus Latina Database (VLD)
Short description of the dataset
"The huge panoply of Latin biblical texts that were in existence and use from their first appearance in the second century AD until the time when, for each of the Bible books, one of them became predominant and unanimously accepted or “Vulgate”, are known as the Vetus Latina or Old Latin Bible. The direct textual tradition of the Vetus Latina is meager: due to the eventual success of the Vulgate, the older translations were no longer copied so that only a limited number of Bible manuscripts predating the Carolingian era are extant. Moreover, these often supply only fragments of the biblical story. As a result, the basic sources for the Old Latin Bible are the biblical citations or allusions found within the writings of the Latin Fathers or Greek patristic authors who were translated into Latin at an early date. Contains the comprehensive patristic records of the Vetus Latina Institut in Beuron (over 800,000 biblical citations). The complete repertorium of H. J. Frede (Kirchenschriftsteller-Verzeichnis und Sigel, Freiburg, 1995) can be consulted online within the application, as well as the repertorium’s regular updates by Professor Gryson."
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Latin biblical texts
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Database of Latin Dictionaries (DLD)
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Database of Latin Dictionaries (DLD)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Database of Latin Dictionaries (DLD)
Short description of the dataset
The DLD holds a broad spectrum of dictionaries. Important dictionaries for the ReIReS context are:
- Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin by Leo F. Stelten
- Kirchenlateinisches Wörterbuch by Albert Sleumer
- Lexicon philosophicum by Étienne Chauvin
- Lexicon philosophicum terminorum philosophis usitatorum by Johannes Micraelius. DLD also holds 2 dictionaries on patristics, 4 on antiquity, 4 from the middle ages, 7 on the middle ages and later.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Content language
Latin, English
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Clavis Clavium
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Clavis Clavium
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Clavis Clavium
Short description of the dataset
"Clavis Clavium is a database that aims to integrate references database and serves as a collaborative update platform to open up & edit the inventory of Patristic, Medieval and Byzantine texts and their authors. It serves as an “authority list” for authors and texts. The database holds the data of:
- Clavis Patrum Latinorum (CPL): an exhaustive inventory of all Christian Latin texts from Tertullian in the 2nd century to Bede (†735)
- Clavis Patrium Graecorum (CPG): an exhaustive inventory on the whole range of Greek patristic texts, their editions, and their authenticity.
- Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina: Catalogue of Latin hagiographic materials (texts of saints’ lives, their relics, miracles, …)
- Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca: Catalogue of Greek hagiographic materials (texts of saints’ lives, their relics, miracles…)
- It plans adopting other claves too: ‘Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti’, ‘Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti’ (inventories of authors of apocryphal version of the bible testaments)"
Language(s) of the dataset*
Latin, French, Greek. Most content are names & titles.
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access (forthcoming)
Content type (keywords)
Authority list
Content language
Latin, French, Greek.
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Latin: Ut per litteras apostolicas... Papal Letters (LITPA)
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Ut per litteras apostolicas/ Papal Letters (LITPA)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Latin : Ut per litteras apostolicas... English : Papal Letters (LITPA)
Short description of the dataset
"Papal Letters represents an electronic version of the celebrated ‘Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siècle’ (32 vols.: Rome,1883- ) and the ‘Registres et lettres des Papes du XIVe siècle’ (48 vols.: Rome, 1899- ). Furthermore, it contains unpublished material (litterae communes of Gregory XI from 1371 to 1375 and the registers of petitions of Urbain V).
Subject Areas: Papal Letters provides striking information on the most varied aspects of medieval society: church institutions, the clergy, the papal states, politics, the legal system, taxation, government and finance, secular society, the religious life, intellectual and artistic life, the economy, wars, law and order, the environment and natural disasters, and daily life."
Language(s) of the dataset*
French, Latin
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Documents, letters, registers
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Europa Sacra
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Europa Sacra
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Europa Sacra
Short description of the dataset
"The most comprehensive tool for studying Church prelates from the Early Church to the Early Modern Period. The lists of bishops produced in Eubel’s ‘Hierarchia catholica medii aevi... ab anno 1198’ and Gams’ ‘Series episcoporum ecclesiae catholicae’ still represent the most comprehensive tool for studying the prelates of the Church from the Early Church to the Early Modern Period. It contains prosopographical information on 30,000 bishops, archbishops and patriarchs."
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Prospographical information
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques (DHGE) & Die Bischöfe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches (BHRR)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques (DHGE) & Die Bischöfe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches (BHRR)
Short description of the dataset
"This encyclopedia is an unparalleled source of information for anyone interested in the history of the Church. The DHGE has a wide coverage, including all continents and the period spanning Antiquity to the present day. The Dictionnaire’s entries are divided into three distinct groups based on whether they deal with people, places or institutions."
Language(s) of the dataset*
French, German
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Content language
French, German
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Index Relgiosus (IR)
Name of the institution
Brepols Publishers
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Index Religiosus (IR)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Index Religiosus (IR)
Short description of the dataset
"The Index Religiosus begins from the basis of two existing bibliographies: the bibliography of the Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique and the Elenchus Bibliographicus from the journal Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. These two tools are internationally recognized as essential working instruments for Theology and Religious Studies. Scope and aims: The Index Religiosus endeavours to become the international reference bibliography for academic publications in Theology and Religious Studies. It covers publications written in various European languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, etc.) and is the result of collaboration between the Catholic University of Louvain and the KU Leuven, which are both recognized internationally for their excellence in the field of Theology and Religious Studies. The Index Religiosus covers the full range of disciplines in Theology and Canon Law: History of Theology, History of Religions, Old and New Testaments, Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology, Sacramentology and Liturgy, Moral and Pastoral Theology, and Canon Law. All aspects of Church History are also widely covered: Institutions; Orders; Congregations; Influential Figures; Hagiography; Political, Social and Economic History; Archaeology; Art History; Music; Architecture; Relations with Islam and Judaism; and more, which makes the Index Religiosus a tool of the first order for all manner of disciplines."
Language(s) of the dataset*
English, French
MediaFull text
Access type
Paid Access
Content type (keywords)
Content language
English, French
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset

École Pratique des Hautes Études

Annuaires de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études: 1872 to 2007
Name of the institution
École Pratique des Hautes Études, EPHE
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
EPHE Publications
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Annuaires de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études. Section des sciences religieuses and Section des sciences historiques et philologiques.
Short description of the dataset
The Annuaires de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études are annual publications that attest the intellectual life of the Sections of Historical and Philological Sciences (since 1873) and Religious Studies (since 1886). The deposit contains the reports of the annual conferences of the researchers, to which are added, irregularly, introductory articles, obituaries and thesis statements. This dataset contains the publications of the Section des sciences religieuses from 1889 to 2007 and of the Section des sciences historiques et philologiques from 1872 to 2007.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access
Content type (keywords)
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Annuaires de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études: 2008 to 2017
Name of the institution
École Pratique des Hautes Études, EPHE
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
EPHE Publications
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Annuaires de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études. Section des sciences religieuses and Section des sciences historiques et philologiques.
Short description of the dataset
The Annuaires de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études are annual publications that attest the intellectual life of the Sections of Historical and Philological Sciences (since 1873) and Religious Studies (since 1886). This deposit contains the reports of the annual conferences of the researchers, to which are added, irregularly, introductory articles, obituaries and thesis statements. This dataset contains the publications of both Section des sciences religieuses and Section des sciences historiques et philologiques from 2008 to 2017.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access
Content type (keywords)
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
HAL-EPHE archives ouvertes de l’EPHE
Name of the institution
École Pratique des Hautes Études, EPHE
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
HAL-EPHE archives ouvertes de l’EPHE
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
HAL-EPHE archives ouvertes de l’EPHE
Short description of the dataset
HAL (Hyper Articles en Ligne) is an open archive where the scholars can deposit documents from academic fields. The articles in HAL are uploaded either by one of the authors with the consent of the others, or by an authorized person of their behalf. HAL aims to ensure the long term preservation of a deposed document that are stored there permanently and will receive a stable web address.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access
Content type (keywords)
Digital Born, Dissertations, articles, book chapters, bibliographic records
Content language
Data type
Web Recources
URL of the dataset

Sofiiski Universitet Sveti Kliment Ohridski

Name of the institution
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Short description of the dataset
A web-portal that includes a Virtual Library with downloadable electronic publications of books related to the fields of Slavic Studies and Religion and an electronic space for auto-publishing.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access
Content type (keywords)
Digital born, e-books
Content language
Bulgarian, other languages
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset
Name of the institution
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Short description of the dataset
An electronic teaching and learning platform that contains 24 interactive courses in Medieval languages (Old Bulgarian (OCS), Byzantine Greek and History of Bulgarian), Literature, History, Medieval Arts, Philosophy and Theology. The courses of Old Bulgarian, History of Bulgarian and Old Bulgarian Literature are also available in English.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access after registration
Content type (keywords)
Content language
Bulgarian, Greek
Data type
Web resource
URL of the dataset
Name of the institution
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Short description of the dataset
A unique electronic infrastructure containing a corpus of digitally typed Old Bulgarian texts with religious content (up to now over 130 with over a million word forms), the digitized Old Bulgarian Dictionary, a reversed Greek-Old Bulgarian Dictionary, based on the e-version of the above mentioned dictionary, Historical Dictionary of Bulgarian language with the respective software for creating and editing dictionary entries. The Historical Dictionary is a developing resource that contains a Grammatical Dictionary with paradigms shown at each processed inflective entry.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access
Content type (keywords)
Transcriptions, dictionaries
Content language
Bulgarian, Old Bulgarian, Latin
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset

Hamburg Universität

“PESHAT in Context”: Philosophical and Scientific Hebrew Terminology
Name of the institution
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
“PESHAT in Context”: Philosophical and Scientific Hebrew Terminology
Short description of the dataset
“PESHAT in Context” is a long-term project funded by the DFG. It is based in the Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion at the University of Hamburg and is working in collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Peshat will create an online multilingual thesaurus of medieval Hebrew philosophical and scientific terminology, incorporating the language´s historical development in various cultural and linguistic environments. It will be a useful research tool for scholars in Jewish Studies, Islamic and Arabic Studies, Classics, Medieval Studies, History of Science and Philosophy.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free access after registration
Content type (keywords)
Thesaurus, text
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset

KU Leuven

Academic works by theologians of the Old University of Louvain
Name of the institution
KU Leuven
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Bijzondere Collecties
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Academic works by theologians of the Old University of Louvain
Short description of the dataset
Selection of rare books from KU Leuven Libraries Special Collections and KU Leuven Libraries Maurits Sabbe Library, mostly from the so-called Collectio academica antiqua or the old academic collection. This collection groups all works published by members of the Old Louvain University, from its foundation in 1425 until the abolition by the French government in 1797. It is a unique collection, derived from the only Belgian academic institution under the Ancien Régime. The data set contains a selection of books written by theologians affiliated to the Old Louvain University. The bibliographic records and digital copy (if available) are accessible via LIMO (, the KU Leuven discovery platform. Some of them are published on the Lovaniensia portal (
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access
Content type (keywords)
Content language
Data type
Web Resource
URL of the dataset ;
Digital titles Maurits Sabbe Library
Name of the institution
KU Leuven
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
Maurits Sabbe Library
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Digital titles Maurits Sabbe Library
Short description of the dataset
Selection of rare books and manuscripts from the KU Leuven Libraries Maurits Sabbe Library. The data set contains a bibliographic description per item and a link to a digital copy (high resolution). The bibliographic records are accessible via LIMO (, the KU Leuven discovery platform. Maurits Sabbe Library is a first class, internationally-renowned library in the domain of theology and religious studies. Besides its extensive research collection, it represents a heritage of preservation, bringing to life multiple scientific disciplines. With its more than 1,300,000 volumes and modern facilities, the library provides a stimulating learning environment, welcoming researchers and (graduate) students from Leuven, Flanders, and around the world.
Language(s) of the dataset*
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access
Content type (keywords)
Books, Manuscripts
Content language
Data type
Web resource
URL of the dataset
Archival records related to religious history
Name of the institution
KU Leuven
Name of the institution (department/library/division)
More information about the institution (department/library/division)
Title of the dataset
Archival records related to religious history
Short description of the dataset
At the moment not many datasets from the University Archive are digitally available. It has only recently started receiving digital records for archiving and only digitizes files when necessary or on demand. Due to the history of KU Leuven as a Catholic university, however, most of its archive can be relevant to religious history. The archival fonds of some of its administrative bodies and faculties are more specifically relevant and the metadata of those archival collections is available. For most of these, the information that is digitally available is limited to the upper levels of the fonds. Some relevant fonds:
All the records from the university as an organization.
All the records from fonds of archives of people and organizations connected to the university:
Some records from fonds of people and organizations not connected to the university:
All the records from the fonds Archief en Museum van het Vlaamse Studentenleven (AMVS):
The Topographical-historical atlas containing objects connected to the university, which is spread across several records. Lecture notes and course material after 1797:
Language(s) of the dataset*
English and Dutch
MediaFull text
Access type
Free Access
Content type (keywords)
Archival records
Content language
Latin, Dutch, French
Data type
URL of the dataset

*Language(s) of the dataset is related to the language of the metadata and not to the language (in case of textual resources) of digital representations linked to it.