This webpage will show you the events for ReIReS partners. Go here to see the public events.

Upcoming Events


April 30, 2021
Internal Workshop on the Culture of Rights and Religious Issues. More

June 29/30, 2021
Meeting Executive Board and Closing meeting for all ReIReS affiliates in Sofia.



Recent Events


March 7/8, 2018
Kick-off Meeting in Bologna.


March 23, 2018
Online brainstorming meeting Work Package 8.


April 18, 2018
Online training for partners, working with ReIReS, 09.00-12.30/13.00 h.


May 9, 2018
Online training for partners, working with ReIReS, 09.00-12.00 h.


May 29/30, 2018
Workshop WP 5, Training, combined with WP 8, Communication/Dissemination, at the Theological University of Apeldoorn for all project partners. May 29: 18.30- 21.30 h. May 30: 09.00-16.30 h.


July 2, 2018
Meeting Executive Board in Bologna, 10.00-17.00/18.00 h.


August 22, 2018
Zoom meeting Access Board, 10.00 h.


October 10, 2018
Meeting Executive Board in Brussels, starting 17.00 h.


October 18, 2018
10.00 h: online meeting, preparation of workshop task 2.2 in Bologna, February 24-28, 2019.


October 22-26, 2018
WP2, workshop in Warsaw dedicated to the policy of management of the library, manuscripts, rare books, collections and archives in relation with the research activities of scholars, task 2.1. Read more


November 26-30, 2018
Workshop organized by Brepols and IEG, task 2.1. Read more


January 10-11, 2019
Workshop in Rome on how the European school textbooks have dealt with religious history and how they have contributed, through these ones, to the construction of a common European cultural space from the Second World War to today. Organizer: CNR-ISEM. Task: 7.1.


January 30, 2019
Annual Meeting General Assemblee (Directors), 14.00-18.00 h, in the White Villa, Faculty of ‘Artes Liberales’, Dobra 72 street, Warsaw.


January 31, 2019
Meeting Executive Board 09.00-12.00 h and WP Leaders, 14.00-17.00 h, in the White Villa, Faculty of ‘Artes Liberales’, Dobra 72 street, Warsaw.


February 24-28, 2019
WP2 workshop for the staff of the consortium (task 2.2) at Fscire in Bologna, organized by the TUA.


April 2, 2019
Online Meeting Executive Board.


July 1, 2019
Meeting Executive Board in Brussels.


September 19/20, 2019
Workshop task 7.2 in Mainz on Religious conflicts, peace-making, and the shaping of reflective European societies. 


January 29, 2020
Meeting Advisory Committee and WP leaders. Location: Raspail, Maisons des sciences de l’Homme, Boulevard Raspail, 54- 75006 Paris. Time: TBA.


January 30, 2020
General Assembly. Location: Ferrus, Patios Saint-Jacques 4-14, rue Ferrus – 75014 Paris (Metro Glacière). Time: TBA.


April 16, 2020
Online Meeting Executive Board, 8.30 h.


July 6, 2020
Online Meeting Executive Board, 08.30 h.


October 5, 2020
Meeting Executive Board, online.