In this section you will find the online materials from the ReIReS Training Programme: both from the schools on the use and study of special documents, and from the courses on Digital Humanities and historical religious studies. You may use these materials for your own trainings.
You can search by theme or by school/course.
This section is under construction and will be updated after each school and course.
- Mainz, September 2018 (available)
- Paris, February 2019 (available)
- Sofia, September 2019 (available)
- Leuven, February 2020 (available)
- Hamburg, June 2021 (available)
- Bologna, March 2021 (available)
DH Courses
- Mainz, January 2019 (available)
- Bologna, July 2019 (available)
- Sofia, November 2019 (available)
- Leuven, December 2020 (available)
- Turnhout, December 2020 (available)
- Hamburg, April 2021 (available)