Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII, Italy


The Foundation for Religious Studies, John XXIII, is a research institute specialized in Christianity and other religions. It was established in 1953, and recognized by a decree of the President of the Italian Republic and has agreements with the University of Bologna and other universities. As a private foundation, independent of churches and universities, its continuous work is supported by private donations. FSCIRE develops its activities according to an intense collaboration with academic institutions worldwide (European networks TRES and Pius XI). In 2003 the UNESCO Chair John XXIII on Religious Pluralism and Peace of the University of Bologna has been entrusted to Giuseppe Alberigo and subsequently to Alberto Melloni.


Task in ReIReS

  • Coordinator
  • Lead Beneficiary of Work Package 1: Management.
  • Lead Beneficiary of Work Package 9: Sustainability.
  • Also involved in Work Package 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8.

Who is who?



