Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Logo


Currently, some 33,000 students, 14 percent from abroad, study at JGU (, making it one of Germany’s largest universities. JGU has a strong research focus and regularly achieves solid positions in international research rankings. It has a long tradition in managing EU funded projects in FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020. In 2016 JGU has been awarded the HR Excellence in Research logo and in 2020, JGU’s HRS4R will again be evaluated by experts. Annually, about 600 PhD students complete their studies at JGU. The Welcome Center for visiting scholars and students provides support for all contractual, insurance, visa and accommodation issues.

The Faculty of Catholic Theology within the JGU offers an excellent infrastructure for research: the central library offers 3.448.000 media units, the theology library holds currently 227.300 volumes and increases by 2000 volumes every year. The library holds 349 theological journals (print and e-pub). The faculty also houses the unique Gesangbuch-Archiv (Hymnal Archive). There is a strong institutional collaboration with the other theological libraries in Mainz (see work packages) which is coordinated by the Chair for Medieval and Modern Church History.


Task in ReIReS

  • Lead Beneficiary of Work package 3: TNA1-TASC Transnational access to special collections
  • Also involved in Work Packages 1, 4, 5, and 9.


Who is Who?





